Monday, December 22, 2008

The Annual Ward Christmas Party

Our ward had a Christmas breakfast this year. Mitchell was pretty leary of Santa, but he toughed it out so he could put in his order for Batman toys.

Trent suffered through the Primary Christmas songs. That is him in the back wearing a black T-shirt. As you can imagine, he doesn't much care for performing in front of others.

Winter Fun

Mitchell has been waiting very impatiently for snow to arrive. To quote he wanted to, "Make noballs, noman, no angels, and slide (sled)." He finally got his wish and Mike helped him to fulfill all his winter wishes. We finally had to drag him inside, kicking and screaming, to warm up

Aubrey is a star member of the choir. Here she is in her Christmas performance. She did a great job. And, Grammie Gibson tooks us out for ice cream after (Who could ask for more?)

Trent didn't perform this year. He was a supportive member of the audience.

Aubrey and Mitch decorate for us!

Posted by PicasaAubrey and Mitchell decked out the house with Christmas decor this year. The Santa hats were a necessary decoration also. Thanks kids.