Sunday, March 9, 2008

We are still alive

I have been a terrible blogger. I have good intentions, but can't seem to keep up on the blog. We have been well and we are keeping busy. We finally took the kids skiing again this year. Mike is finally able to ski (after his neuropathies from chemo). We went to Brighton and had a great time, and Trent is addicted. I think Aubs was a bit cold (it was a cold day). She thought it was ok, but isn't quite as thrilled about skiing as Trent. Mike was so proud to finally have his kids out skiing.
Here are some pictures, but it could be anybody's kids the way they are bundled up. We will have to post some spring skiing pics.


Dorothy said...

Awesome guys!! I'm so glad Mike was able to get out and ski. We'll have to go out on a nice, warm ski day/

B. B. said...

So glad you're back!

The Crane Family said...

Wow--Looks like fun guys--We're so glad you're back skiing Mike!!!! You all look like awesome skiiers! I agree Aubrey--warm days are better!

Bret Bushman Family said...

I like to see your blog finally updated, That was a fun day. Shauna

Dan Doxey said...

That's awesome guys! Sounds like a blast. I'm sure Aubrey and Trent LOVED it. Mike I wish I could be in Utah in April to go on that bike ride with you. I really would love it. Just know that we're there in spirit.

Leslie said...

Good to see an update! We love being up on whats going on with you guys. The skiing looks like so much fun! YEA!