Thursday, May 29, 2008

Aubrey's Achievements

Aubrey has done really well in school this year. She was picked to speak to the school board abour her experiences in choir. It was a neat experience. She got a special award and shook all the school board member's hands. We were really proud of her.

Aubrey also did a great job in the choir concert. She had a special solo part and sang it perfect. Everyone was congratulating her and giving her high fives. It is nice that at least one of us can carry a tune.


B. B. said...

At last! Thanks for the update. It was so great to see you guys this week!

Dan Doxey said...

Congrats Aubery! We're so proud of you! Maybe you can sing us a tune when we come visit next week.
Dan & Julie

emily jeanne said...

How wonderful!!! That is great aubrey!!!!

Heidi and Rich said...

Congrats Aubrey, I am so glad to hear you love to sing. Can you sing your solo for me when I am there!?!? I love to sing too so now I know we have one more thing in common!!

Dorothy said...

Way to go Aubrey!! you are an amazing singer, and always have been...keep it up. What a great talent you have!!

Aunt Dorothy

Megan said...

Aubrey, I miss your singing! You're a much better singer than I am!